Creating People Advantage

SHRM 2011 Annual Conference
This session will present the results of the second worldwide HR study conducted jointly by WFPMA and BCG. It will identify the key HR challenges that companies around the globe are facing today and present best practice insights on how they are best addr

Track: International HR

Boston Consulting Group and the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) have partnered to launch a worldwide report on the future of HR. The study, the most comprehensive review of global HR practices ever conducted, provides piercing insight into the current and future challenges facing companies. It analyses how current and future HR challenges shift over time, looking into topics from sourcing employees, performance and developmental issues to the retention of companies’ soon scarcest resource, its people, as well as HR excellence in operations and processes. More than 5,000 mainly HR professionals around the world participated in this survey and more than 200 senior executives of leading companies shared their insights in personal interviews. In many companies, the links between corporate strategy and HR on the one hand and between HR and business metrics on the other are often too weak. However, HR departments have a pivotal role in deducting how a company’s overall strategy drives all people issues and tracking the impact of its HR work. After having mapped the HR landscape, the speaker will explore how several key initiatives are best set up, implemented and evaluated to meet the criteria of strategic linkage and impact measurement. Successful approaches will be illustrated by best practice examples.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 7:00am to 8:15am

Karin Hinshaw


Paul Orlander

LVCC N206-208
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
Global Credit
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