Please Sue Me 2011
Track: Employment Law & Legislation
This session blends employment practices, humor and the law to simplify and make practical the answers to some of today's toughest management issues.
Takeaways include:
• A summary of the top 5 legal exposures for 2011;
• How to convince management at all levels, to initiate safe HR procedures and get out of the 'babysitting' business;and
• Dozens of sample preventive policies that limit your legal liability.
Hunter Lott

Hunter Lott is an HR problem solver. He has delivered over 4000 “on stage” events, over 17,000 presentation hours and reviewed over 1200 employee handbooks. Hunter won accolades as a senior course leader for the American Management Association. Hunter is an award winning speaker with Vistage and has earned Speaker of the Year, Impact Speaker of the Year and Top Performer Vistage honors.
Hunter attended Tulane University in New Orleans, graduated from Iowa State and has a Master’s Degree in Employment Law from NSU Shepard Broad College of Law.