PRACTITIONER EXCHANGE SESSION—Mid-Air Merger of Air France and KLM: Winning the HR Battle

SHRM 2011 Annual Conference

Lucas van Wees, VP for HR Commercial and Global at Air France – KLM, will share the journey he experienced going through the merger in 2004 that created the biggest global airline in terms of passenger revenues and the continued ongoing evolution of the company. He will discuss the complex HR management aspects of a merger from an international perspective, underscoring that where cultures are perceived as different, trust is a critical success factor. He will also discuss framing the HR agenda during the M&A process, sharing specific best practices for consolidating and retaining staff, and building leadership.

Howard Wallack, GPHR will host this Practitioner Exchange Session.

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Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 27, 2011 - 7:00am to 8:15am

Lucas van Wees, MBA

van Wees, MBA
Dr L.L.G.M. (Lucas) van Wees MBA MBT holds a B.Sc in Tourism & Leisure (Breda) and Masters in Social Sciences (Tilburg), Telecommunications (Delft) in the Netherlands and Business (IMD, Lausanne) in Switzerland. He worked for Philips, Shell and KPN in HR, management and commercial jobs. Since 2001 he is the Vice President HR Commercial and Global for KLM which merged mid 2004 with Air France.

Van Wees was co-author or editor for four books and published various (international) articles a.o. for Personnel Journal, the International Journal of Career Management and the Journal of Management Development. His contribution to a European book, describing HR practices in 13 European countries, was published in late 2008 by Routledge, Taylor & Francis (ISBN 978-0-415-44761-4).

Amongst others, he is a member of the Board of the Dutch Association of Personnel Management (NVP) and, on behalf of the NVP, delegate for the European Association of Personnel Management (EAPM) in which 28 European HR associations take part. He was the also the chairman of the Jury of the first EAPM European HR Award, granted in 2009.

In the attachments, you will find my photograph and an article on the AFKL Merger.
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