Same-Sex Marriage: We're Not in Iowa Anymore

SHRM 2011 Annual Conference
This session will provide you with tools and recommendations to prepare you for changing laws and regulations pertaining to LGBT workers.

Track: Employment Law & Legislation

As of March 2010, 2,020 same-sex couples were married in Iowa, and only 815 of those were Iowans. Regardless of whether your business operates in all 50 states or just one building, marriage and other issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees may impact your business soon, if not already. This session will update you on the relevant laws and regulations and provide you with specific insights and tools to be prepared.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 27, 2011 - 4:00pm to 5:15pm

Samir Luther

Samir Luther is a Program Director at the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute, the nation’s leading organization that identifies, trains and supports openly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender public officials. From 2004-2010, Samir authored the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index and State of the Workplace for LGBT Americans. He has worked with leading Fortune 1000 and AmLaw 200 firms to create innovative approaches to recruit and retain talented LGBT workers. Samir is a frequent speaker on same-sex partner and spousal benefits and transgender inclusion and, in 2010, he joined the Society for Human Resource Management’s Workforce Diversity Panel.
Hilton Pavilion 11
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