Leading Transformation
Every successful organization will transform to remain relevant and preserve its existence. What is different about the environment because you are there? As a leader, your impact is evident from the first encounter with those you serve to the legacy you leave beyond your presence. Our increasingly competitive global landscape has irreversibly altered how we view leaders and what we expect them to deliver. Moving you away from familiarity and into an often uncomfortable state, the first step toward transformation begins with a decision – do I resist it, adapt to it or lead it? Your effectiveness is shaped by four key factors:
- Perspective—how you view yourself and the value you deliver;
- Perception— how others see you and what you offer;
- Positioning—intentional action taken to strengthen your image;
- Performance—consistently executing with excellence that has an impact.
The next step on this journey depends on the person who has the greatest responsibility for making high impact change a reality — YOU!
LaFern K. Batie
As a Business Strategist and Executive Coach, LaFern Batie leads The Batie Group, LLC, a business consulting and leadership development firm serving organizations around the globe. With extensive Fortune 500 corporate leadership experience and widely recognized expertise, she works with international organizations and leaders across diverse industries to maximize their collective and individual performance. Leaders value her high business acumen, ability to quickly connect with teams, thorough and efficient approach to identifying challenges and commitment to helping them achieve results that exceed their expectations.
Follow LaFern on Twitter @LaFernBatie.