MEGA SESSION: Creativeship: The Evolution from Management to Leadership to Creativeship
The combination of technological advances (including social media), globalization, shifting economic drivers, government intervention, vastly different motivational drivers within different generations, and the emergence of social responsibility is leading to a pronounced shift in the definition of leadership. Over the past 25 years, we have seen the shift from managing things, data, process (management) to leading people (leadership). Going forward, leaders will now need to focus on Creativeship, defined as creating sustainable cultures. This is the future of HR! You will be pushed to think differently on how best to flourish in this era of speed, technological advances, and innovation.
Bob Kelleher
Bob Kelleher is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and consultant on employee engagement, leadership, and workforce trends. Bob is the author of the bestselling book, LOUDER THAN WORDS: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps That Drive Results, CREATIVESHIP, A Novel for Evolving Leaders, EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT for Dummies, and I-Engage, Your Personal Engagement Roadmap.
Bob can be seen or heard on national media (most recently on CNBC, CBS, NBC News, Business Week, Forbes, and Fortune, and has presented to many of the world’s top companies
Bob is also the founder of The Employee Engagement Group, a global survey, products, assessment, consulting firm.