MEGA SESSION: Modern Management is Obsolete — Are You Ready for the Next Level?
Most leaders still spoon-feed their employees with lists, rules, laws, processes, scripts and methods. But these quickly become a substitute for thinking rather than an aid to thinking - suppressing productivity and innovation, and leading to conformity and obsolescence. It's time to unshackle your organization from this outdated way of leading. The new world of business demands your employees be alert and perceptive. Aman will guide you to your fastest way to this new level.
Aman Motwane
Hailed by Tom Peters for bringing his company out of the doldrums, almost overnight, heralded by the media as the UnGuru because he is such a convention-breaker, Aman Motwane is the man behind the movement to change how the world of business does business — Skills 2.0.
Aman holds degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology and a Master’s from Stanford University, which he received in 9 months. But he’s the first to point out that education and information are worth nothing if you don't understand the right questions to ask.