How to Hunt Like a Headhunter for the Global Talent You Wish You Had

SHRM 2011 Annual Conference

Track: International HR

In today’s competitive marketplace an innovative and dynamic recruiting strategy is the key to organizational success. Is your TA function proactively using all available technology and processes or hiring mostly candidates that come to you? We outline specific steps to ACTIVELY source & identify top talent in your space globally. Using tried and true methodologies, in conjunction with readily available technologies, learn the tricks of the trade for finding candidates your competitors wish they had.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 27, 2011 - 2:00pm to 3:15pm

Jennifer Brock

Jennifer Brock is the Principal of Human Capital Consulting with Human Resource Dimensions. Joining the firm in 2006, Jennifer manages the company’s search and contract division, providing clients nationwide with top HR talent. Jennifer and her team support clients ranging from entrepreneurial startups to Fortune 500 organizations. A frequent volunteer within the HR community, Jennifer is a regular participant, speaker and volunteer for SHRM Atlanta, the National Association for African Americans in Human Resources, HR Helping HR and Career Connections.

Jim Dyak, SPHR

Dyak, SPHR
LVCC N202-204
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Global Credit
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