The Business Case for Breastfeeding: How to Implement Health Care Reform Laws on Worksite Lactation Support
Submitted by sp_od_super_admin on Wed, 08/10/2011 - 7:10pm
SHRM 2011 Annual Conference
This session equips you with practical tools for implementing worksite lactation support programs that meet federal requirements under the Health Care Reform Act.
Track: Employment Law & Legislation
Supporting breastfeeding employees is pivotal to a company’s family-friendly platform, with proven financial benefits to businesses. It’s also the law. The U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (AKA Health Care Reform) has specific provisions for worksite lactation programs. This session addresses the law, needs of breastfeeding employees, and practical strategies for implementing lactation support in any business presented by the author of the federal government’s national initiative, The Business Case for Breastfeeding.
Date(s) & Time(s):
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 10:45am to 12:00pm
Cathy Carothers, IBCLC, FILCA
Submitted by sp_od_super_admin on Wed, 08/10/2011 - 3:09pm

Carothers, IBCLC, FILCA
Cathy Carothers is Co-Director of Every Mother, Inc., an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and the national project coordinator for the U.S. Health and Human Services initiative, "The Business Case for Breastfeeding." She has coordinated numerous national breastfeeding initiatives for various branches of the federal government, and has provided more than 350 workshops in the field of lactation in every U.S. State and several foreign countries. As the author and lead trainer for the national "Business Case for Breastfeeding" project, she assists businesses with complying with the new federal legislation requiring lactation support for breastfeeding employees.
LVCC N224-226
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•HR Credit
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